Our mind is the most powerful tool we have and the earlier we learn to maximize it, the better. Join Master Andy Dixon as he instructs on cultivating a winning mindset in yourself and those around you. He will touch on what it looked like for him to develop a winning mindset for himself, and then how he practices that mentality with his students every day. Come join us to learn how we can create a winning mindset in our lives; children, teens and adults!
Wellness Workshops are FREE and family-friendly.
Each Wellness Workshop focuses on one of our four pillars: Neuro Based Chiropractic, Gut Healing & Nutrition, Retraining & Movement, and Brain Based Thinking & Parenting.
Wellness Workshops are offered every week on Tuesdays from 6-6:30pm with the exception of holidays and special dates.
Wellness Workshops are open to the public. You do not need to be a patient at Fully Alive to attend.
Fully Alive Family Chiropractic is on a mission to help create a community of healthy families living connected and fully alive! We need one another to do this.
Master Andy Dixon is a World Champion Martial Artist and Owner of Lunar Martial Arts. Master Dixon is a community educator who is passionate about providing our community with a safe, fun, and positive place for students and their families to grow, learn, and be the best version of themselves.