Wellness Workshop: Handling Stress Well Part 2

Fully Alive Family Chiropractic 2600 Lincoln Ave Suite A, St Joseph, MI

Join Dr. Tara for an open discussion about stress and anxiety. The intention of this workshop is to create a space for community to connect on a topic we can all relate to and leave feeling inspired to better tackle the setbacks of anxiety and stress.


Wellness Workshop: Inside Out Healing

Fully Alive Family Chiropractic 2600 Lincoln Ave Suite A, St Joseph, MI

Where does healing come from? Deepen your belief in the healing that is already inside of you as you dig into this concept with Dr. Tara.


Wellness Workshop: Food Sensitivities

Fully Alive Family Chiropractic 2600 Lincoln Ave Suite A, St Joseph, MI

Subtle cues from the body can tell us we may be sensitive to something we are eating. Learn how to identify a potential food sensitivity and ways to work with them to unlock deep healing.


Behaviors, Stress & The Brain – Oh My!

Fully Alive Family Chiropractic 2600 Lincoln Ave Suite A, St Joseph, MI

Do you ever wonder why your child or student behaves the way they do?

Join Dr. Tara Scharich, brain-based chiropractor, as she uncovers some of the underlying reasons for behavior, learning and socialization challenges. Learn some right now strategies to help the children in your life adapt better while also gaining insight on long-term solutions to help them thrive!


Wellness Workshop: Top 10 Desk Stretches

Fully Alive Family Chiropractic 2600 Lincoln Ave Suite A, St Joseph, MI

How often do you find yourself sitting at a desk? Adults and kids alike, I bet your answer is A LOT! Join Cass, an experienced movement educator, and learn her top 10 stretches you can do right there in your chair!


Wellness Workshop: Real Love

Fully Alive Family Chiropractic 2600 Lincoln Ave Suite A, St Joseph, MI

Did you know that often we trade real love for imitation love that we feel we need to earn? Find out how to receive and share more real love. Dr. Tara will dig into the getting and protecting behaviors we all use when we don't feel unconditionally love. You will leave with more compassion for yourself and others and a larger capacity to share real love.


Wellness Workshop: Winning Mindset

Fully Alive Family Chiropractic 2600 Lincoln Ave Suite A, St Joseph, MI

Our mind is the most powerful tool we have and the earlier we learn to maximize it, the better. Join Master Andy Dixon as he instructs on cultivating a winning mindset in yourself and those around you. He will touch on what it looked like for him to develop a winning mindset for himself, and then how he practices that mentality with his students every day. Come join us to learn how we can create a winning mindset in our lives; children, teens and adults!


Wellness Workshop: Hydration Tools

Fully Alive Family Chiropractic 2600 Lincoln Ave Suite A, St Joseph, MI

Believe it or not, drinking plain water does not meet our cellular hydration needs! Come join us in learning simple tools to achieve true hydration, with Carly!


Behaviors, Stress & The Brain – Oh My!

Fully Alive Family Chiropractic 2600 Lincoln Ave Suite A, St Joseph, MI

Do you ever wonder why your child or student behaves the way they do?

Join Dr. Tara Scharich, brain-based chiropractor, as she uncovers some of the underlying reasons for behavior, learning and socialization challenges. Learn some right now strategies to help the children in your life adapt better while also gaining insight on long-term solutions to help them thrive!


Wellness Workshop: Preventing Tech Neck

Fully Alive Family Chiropractic 2600 Lincoln Ave Suite A, St Joseph, MI

In a highly technological world, the worry becomes, how are these screens affecting my child? Join us and discover the impact that screens have on our necks and learn some ways to prevent tech neck.


Wellness Workshop: Chiropractic Taught By Kids

Fully Alive Family Chiropractic 2600 Lincoln Ave Suite A, St Joseph, MI

Kids get chiropractic!!! Join us as Fully Alive Kids answer the questions we all have about healing and chiropractic. This will be a fun night full of laughter, snacks and learning.


Health & Hope Night

Fully Alive Family Chiropractic 2600 Lincoln Ave Suite A, St Joseph, MI

Dr. Mike & Amy Mills, from Kittanning, Pennsylvania, will share their four essential components to optimizing your health and creating sustained weight loss. Join us for an informational and inspirational community health presentation.

This Community Event is FREE and open to the public! To learn more or pre-register view our Facebook Events. Drop-ins are also welcome. See you there!
